This website offers an introduction to the many ways judicial systems can be structured, the work of international tribunals, and the field of international rule of law. Please click here to view a short video about the site. Background information and a list of contributors can be found here.

Legal Traditions










Country Profiles


Rule of Law


Legal Systems Around the World

Every nation has a unique legal system that reflects its history, culture, and government structure. Along with the civil and common law traditions, religious law plays a role in many parts of the world. This map offers a basic overview of the world’s judicial systems, including legal tradition, highest court, and selected features. More information about nations not included in the Country Profiles section will be added overtime.

Hover over a country on the map to learn more about its legal system; to find a specific country, use the search option by clicking on the magnifying glass on the top-left corner.

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Constitutional courts, also known as constitutional tribunals or constitutional councils, have exclusive jurisdiction over constitutional matters. This includes constitutional review of legislation, regulations, and government acts. The rulings of constitutional courts…
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This collection of resources is a brief introduction to the many ways court systems can be structured. It offers insights into different legal traditions, judicial practices, and approaches to court administration. Judges and other professionals who work internationally will be better able to…