The profiles on this page highlight different strategies nations have adopted to deliver justice, including how to select judges, structure judicial review, and meet the needs of diverse populations. There is much to be learned from the experience and innovation of judiciaries around the world.

Flag of Afghanistan


Afghanistan is a landlocked country located in South and Central Asia, sharing a border with Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and China. Its population of over forty-one…

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Flag of Brazil


Brazil is a democracy with a civil law system based on Roman and German traditions. It is the largest, most populous, country in Latin America. Brazil’s diverse population of over 200 million…

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flag of Canada


The Canadian justice system has with two official languages (English and French), includes two legal systems (common law and civil law), and affirms Aboriginal rights and…

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Flag of China


China is the second largest country in land area, with snow-capped mountains, deserts, rivers, canyons, fertile plains, and 56 different ethnic groups. The Han constitute 91% of China’s population…

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Flag of Colombia


The Republic of Colombia is known for its complex political history and biodiversity. The country is also culturally diverse with five major ethnic groups. The Spanish colonized Colombia in 1525…

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Flag of Denmark


Denmark is a constitutional monarchy and a democracy with powers divided into three branches: the Parliament, the Government, and the Court System. The role of the monarch has been mostly…

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Flag of Georgia


The Republic of Georgia is in the South Caucusus, situated between Turkey and Russia, with a long coastline along the Black Sea. Its history spans over 2,500 years and the Georgian language,…

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flag of hungary


Hungary is a unitary parliamentary republic with a civil law system. Its sources of law include the constitution, acts of parliament, published governmental and ministerial decrees, and the…

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Flag of India


The Republic of India is the most populous nation in the world with over 1.4 billion residents. India has twenty-two official languages including Hindi, Bengali, and Telugu and is the birthplace…

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Flag of Japan


Japan is a constitutional monarchy, with the emperor serving a largely symbolic role. The Japanese archipelago includes over 3,000 islands; its four main islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and…

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Flag of Kosovo


Kosovo shares borders with Serbia, North Macedonia, Albania, and Montenegro. It was the center of the Medieval Serbian Empire until its integration into the Ottoman Empire in the mid-15th century…

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Flag of the Maldives


The Maldives is a constitutional democracy made up of 1,200 islands in the Indian Ocean, comprised of 18 administrative atolls. Most of the Maldives sits less than six feet above sea level, and…

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flag of mexico


Mexico (United Mexican States) is one of Latin America’s largest countries, has the region’s second-largest economy, and is the most populous Spanish-speaking country in the world. It was home to…

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Flag of Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea, in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, is the world’s third largest island country; it includes the eastern half of the island of New Guinea, where over 85% of the population resides…

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Philippines flag


The Philippines is a southeast Asian nation located in the South China Sea. The country is an archipelago made up of over 7,000 islands with a population of more than 100 million people. Its…

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Flag of South Korea

Republic of Korea

The first settlers on the Korean peninsula arrived 700,000 years ago. Korea’s early history included periods of dynastic rivalries. Under the leadership of the Joseon Dynasty in the late 14th…

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Flag of Russia


The Russian Federation is the largest (geographically) country in the world, with 11 time zones across two continents and coasts on three oceans (the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic). Russia has a…

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Flag of Rwanda


Resting on le pays des mille collines (the land of a thousand hills), the Republic of Rwanda boasts a strong presidency, dual legislature (the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate), and a unique…

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Saudi Arabia flag

Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was established by King Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud (Ibn Saud) in 1932. It is home to Mecca and Medina, the two holiest cities in Islam. Evidence of human…

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Flag of Singapore


Singapore, located on the southern tip of the Malay peninsula, is one of the world’s smallest countries and one of only three city states. Malaya and Singapore were administered as a joint British…

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Flag of Spain


The modern Kingdom of Spain is a parliamentary monarchy which follows the European continental legal tradition. Although the majority of Spain’s territory is on the Iberian Peninsula, it also…

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Flag of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an island nation south of India. It is known as the “Pearl of the Indian Ocean” because of its natural beauty, including lush forests, coastline, and vast tea…

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flag of turkey


Modern-day Turkey is located on the Anatolian plateau, at the intersection of Europe and Asia. Its population of over 80 million people includes two major ethnic groups: Turks (~75%) and Kurds…

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flag of united kingdom

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is a monarchy: the head of state is an unelected position, occupied by virtue of birth. The British monarch has been a mostly ceremonial figure since the mid-17th century, but…

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Flag of the United States

United States

The Constitution of the United States (1789) is one of the oldest written constitutions in the world; it is also among the shortest at only four pages. The US constitution sets forth a federal…

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Flag of Uzbekistan


Uzbekistan is located at the crossroads of Central Asia and the Middle East. It was the heart of the ancient Silk Road, the commercial link between Europe and Asia from the 2nd century BC into the…

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Flag of Vietnam


National policy in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is established by the Vietnam Communist Party which convenes a Party congress every five years. The National Assembly is the highest organ of…

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