Judges play a critical role in protecting the rights of individuals and the integrity of institutions. Nations have adopted a variety of strategies to ensure that those joining the judicial branch are appropriately qualified and held accountable to high standards of professional conduct. This section explores these different models, providing information about judicial selection, training, and accountability.

Judges are expected to be knowledgeable about the law, familiarize themselves with court procedure, and comport themselves in a professional and respectful manner. Canons of judicial conduct…

Many countries have an entity known as a judicial council, responsible for different aspects of judicial governance, from overseeing the judicial career to promoting professional standards and…

Most judicial systems around the world have adopted codes of conduct or equivalent rules to guide judicial officers on a range of issues. Although there are different models for enforcing norms of…

When deciding how to select judges, governments consider a number of factors. Some prioritize high performance on a competitive examination. Some look for pragmatic knowledge and administrative…