Judicial Attire Banner: Images of different judicial uniforms around the world
 In courthouses around the world, judicial attire communicates professionalism and institutional integrity. Why Do Judges Wear Robes?In many countries, judges wear robes as a professional uniform, sometimes with accessories such as wigs or collars. This tradition has been…
Judicial Case Management Header: Judge reviewing case files
Court systems around the world experience high caseloads. Many courts have found that proactive case management by individual judges helps ensure the prompt administration of justice.  ChallengesAlthough there are well-accepted tenets of JCM, the manner and extent to which…
Image of a roundtable for a Judicial Council meeting
Many countries have an entity known as a judicial council, responsible for different aspects of judicial governance, from overseeing the judicial career to promoting professional standards and court efficiency. Recent reform initiatives have focused on ensuring that judicial councils operate…
Stack of law books representing Judicial Education
Judges are expected to be knowledgeable about the law, familiar with court procedure, and comport themselves in a professional and respectful manner. Canons of judicial conduct codify these expectations and judicial institutes prepare judges to meet them. While most countries have a judicial…
Judicial Conduct & Discipline
Most judicial systems around the world have adopted codes of conduct or equivalent rules to guide judicial officers on a range of issues. Although there are different models for enforcing norms of judicial behavior, there is global consensus that judicial integrity requires the highest ethical…
Judicial Performance Evaluation Banner
Accountability—of government institutions and officials—is an integral component of the rule of law. One tool used to promote judicial branch accountability is judicial performance evaluation. Assessing judicial “quality” is a complex and sensitive undertaking. Those critical of efforts to evaluate…
Judicial Selection Banner
When deciding how to select judges, governments consider a number of factors. Some prioritize high performance on a competitive examination. There are three main methods by which judges are selected around the world: appointment, competitive exam, and election. Different…
Judicial Tenure Banner
Almost every country limits the tenure of judges, imposing either a mandatory retirement age or a term of years. Most countries have different tenure provisions for each level of court. A notable exception is the United States federal judiciary: the constitution accords Article III federal…
Lay Participation Banner
The modes of lay participation in criminal trials are as diverse as the legal systems that include them. Few countries can be said to have identical models, and structures can differ within a single country.   Juries The traditional model, consisting of a panel of…