Quick questions banner
Countries use a variety of terms to describe components of a judicial system, the litigation process, and what judges do. Vocabulary matters a great deal in the transnational context.
Image of a criminal defense lawyer with her client
The right to counsel in criminal cases is fundamental to a fair trial. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was the first instrument of international law to set forth this right; it was later affirmed in multiple international conventions and national constitutions. In 2012, the United Nations…
Rule of Law Banner
Rule of law is a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and   Judiciaries around the world participate in a broad…
barbed wire superimposed over country maps
There are four principle sentencing models used by criminal justice systems around the world, with some adopting a combined approach. This page examines the sentencing practices of eight countries, including procedure, the role of victims, sentence types, whether mandatory minimums are used, and…
Special Courts Banner
Many countries have specialized courts that operate alongside courts of general jurisdiction. These courts are created to meet the needs of specific constituencies (juvenile courts, tribal courts, community courts) or to address unique jurisdictional issues (tax courts, probate courts). Specialized…
Dove holding an olive branch
In countries that have experienced a sustained period of conflict, repression, or human rights violations, the existing justice system may not be equipped to provide adequate recourse. In the aftermath of sustained periods of strife, political and legal institutions may…
Defendant signing plea bargain form
  Justice systems around the world face heavy criminal case loads. Features to Consider in Trial-Waiver Models Prosecution control of charge Victim agreement Types of Crime Types of punishments or other consequences, including dismissal after supervision Judge…
Lady Justice (Themis) in red, white, and blue
The United States supports rule of law initiatives throughout the world. This resource describes the government agencies that support justice sector development, the process for allocating public funds, and the public and private institutions engaged with project implementation…